These information I can't find online. I only managed to know all these at the counter at JPN. Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, in Malaysia. The officer was kind enough to let me know however I had to run around and spent unnecessary money photo stating at the nearby shop which charges outrages fees for a piece of photostats.
Confirmation of birth form from the hospital or certification of home birth from the midwife/doctor (original);
Birth registration form JPN.LM01 that is completed; (ORI) (hospital provide and Fill it up while waiting for delivery)
Blue book - page 8 and cover (ORI and photostate)
Hospital book - page 7 (ORI and photostate)
IC (identification card) - father and mother (ORI and photostate)
Marriage cert (ORI and photostate)
Appointment card - day 1 till birth - ORI and photostate (front and back)
FORGET TO photostate, 1 copy is RM0.20 nearby photostate copier.
I suggest you photostats all the require documents from home and bring along in your delivery if possible.
Breakdown to child's and parents documents
1. Birth registration form JPN.LM01 that is completed;
2. Confirmation of birth form from the hospital or certification of home birth from the midwife/doctor (original);
3. Prenatal card (maternity examination book) (original and copy); and
4. Child’s health and immunisation card (original and copy)
1. Birth registration form JPN.LM01 that is completed;
2. Confirmation of birth form from the hospital or certification of home birth from the midwife/doctor (original);
3. Prenatal card (maternity examination book) (original and copy); and
4. Child’s health and immunisation card (original and copy)
- Identity cards or entry permits or passports of the parents and the person reporting the birth (originals and copies);
- Marriage or divorce document or death certificates of the parents (originals and copies)
- Identity card or entry permit or passport (original and copy)

Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
Aras 3, Bangunan Persekutuan
Jalan Anson
10400 Pulau Pinang
Tel: 04-2265161/2558
Fax: 04-2269320
Office hour/ Operating Hour
Monday-Friday 7.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday and Sunday 8am - 1pm
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