- git clone https://github.com/wmarone/sbsigntool
- ./autogen.sh (this will work provided you are not behind firewall that filter out git:// access
- If you are behind block git:// access, go download the sbsigntool package and use that instead
- After unzip at linux host (tar -xvf sbsigntools-0.6-debian.tar.gz)
- Run ./autogen.sh
- Error regarding git can be ignore as you already have those files (ccan)
- ./configure
- At this stage, there will be lots of dependencies. Be patience as you add and install those.
- There are lots of dependencies on the CPAN Perl script
- Do this first: ( to get most of the dependencies fixed)
- sudo yum install perl-CPAN
(1/5): perl-ExtUtils- (2/5): perl-Test-Harness- (3/5): perl-CPAN-1.9205- (4/5): perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker- (5/5): perl-devel-
- The above fixes error such as
- Can't locate /xxxx.pm in @INC (@INC contains
Some of the issues encountered:
- File-Slurp (It is needed for use File::Slurp qw( ))
- Download: Link
- untar and cd into directory
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make test
- sudo make install
- uuid package missing
- sudo yum install libuuid-devel pkgconfig
- libcrypto package missing
- use command to verify if it is installed and detected by the package
- pkg-config --libs libcrypto
- If correctly configure: return result is -lcrypto
- Fixes:
- sudo yum install openssl-devel
- sudo yum install openssl
- Once it passes all the checkings
- Do command:
- make
- sudo make install
Congratulation, your sbsigntool should be installed and operation now.
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